Recognition made easy

Connect to reenergize your family

Shape your day to enjoy life to the fullest

The Phenomenals,
the family league

Coming soon to a family near you…


The Phenomenals mobil app was created based on modern behavioral psychological research, combined with practical parenting experience, resulting in three main topics that are the base to every well functioning family.



Make The unseen housework visible and share it between all of you. Even the smallest can take part in carrying the burden, and while you feel more valued and under less stress, they are developing their skills in many ways.


Connecting with the kids should be a daily encounter, and this app is an efficient tool to break the ice, bring the generations on the same platform and use the language of gaming, to show we also would like to be part of their world.

Charge up

Daily routine adjustments can be a quick solution to many challenges, but sometimes we are too immersed in the details. This app gives you an opportunity to design a full daily routine from scratch in case a full audit is needed.


The Phenomenals mobile app has three main functionalities: while staying true to the strictest data privacy regulations, it motivates children through gamified recognition; predefined easy to follow process steps and a knowledge bank supports parents in understanding children and their challenges better.



It is definitely not a new game to add to the list, not an extra hour to add to the screen time, it is an educational tool on many levels, but keeping the fun part of gaming alive to help them stay involved and impowered in their own life.


With this app you will be able to track how you, the kids and the family as a whole is progressing through continuous feedback loops and milestone checks, dashboard against other users or just yourselves, whichever you prefer.


We consolidated many hours of reading, summarized descriptions, and potential solutions. With all the information available in the knowledge bank, you can get one step closer to understanding yourself and the challenges you face better, therefore a family life with no stress slogan becomes a reachable target.


Surprisingly, we are 3 parents (teamed up with child psychologists), living the everyday challenges of parenting. No big stories, no big desires, just simple ordinary people, wanting to raise their kids in the best way, see them thrive and be happy throughout all their encounters.



Mother of three, strict with herself and others, an outstanding value based teammate. Always ready to both read the small letters in a contract, or fly to the sky, and keep in mind all the milestones.



Mother of three, the visionary strategist, who solves all the problems, and in her heart always knows the right track.



Father of two, the businessman, the forever optimist. who will inspire, drive, motivate anyone, his passion will convince anyone of anything.